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In this section we'll go through all the entities in and their functionalities. Most of the entities can be connected and build a network of relationships that we will describe in detail below.

Tree structure

The system of connections between entities in can be described as hierarchical tree structure. The connections between entities are built as follows:

An epic is only tied to a roadmap and can't have a parent entity.

A story can either have an epic or another story as a parent. An issue or test can be its child entity.

An issue can be a child to a roadmap or a design entity or to another issue. It can be a parent to another issue or to a test.

A test can either be a child to a roadmap, a design or an issue.

Once a parent entity is set for a group of related entities, it becomes a parent entity to all of them, but it keeps the structure intact.


Issues can be found in the Issues sub module of the Projects module. Their function is to keep track of everything that needs to be done on a project, including the assignee, deadline, collaborators, tags, status, priority, roadmap, comments, attachments and a list of child entities - Issues and Tests.

There are two ways to create an Issue:

1) By typing its name into the +Add Issue field in the Issues submodule and hittng Enter.

2) By clicking the "+" button in the upper right corner of the juno screen.

(As you can see, Epics, Stories and even whole Projects can be created through the Plus button.)

The Issue entity has two types: Task and Bug.

  • Task

    A task is a regular entity assigned to a user or a team. It typically includes a request to either add a new functionality, or change an existing one.

  • Bug

    A bug is a request for a fix of an error or incorrect / missing functionality. It's most commonly created during the testing phase, but may also be created separately.

When creating an issue, you must decide whether you want it to be a Task or a Bug. Once created, you can change it simply by clicking on the "Task" or "Bug" Issue type and it will change immediately.

Epic supports agile project planning by providing the epic and story design entities. Epics typically describe a large feature request that will be implemented, usually spanning across several months. Epics can be a parent entity to Stories, Tasks, Bugs and Tests.


A story is a smaller design entity describing a section of an Epic. Usually a story describes a smaller feature (or a part of a feature) that can be done in a sprint or two. Epics can be a parent entity to other Stories, Tasks, Bugs and Tests.

Both Epics and Stories can be created in the same way as Issues - via the typing field "+ Add design" or the "+" button.

Test Case

A Test Case describes a set of actions performed on a system to determine if it satisfies software requirements and functions correctly. It can be assigned to a main entity such as Task or Story, and includes test steps and test runs with results. specializes in test case management and offers you a wide range of options.

To create a test case, simply type its name in the text field "+ Test Case" and hit enter.

Test Plan

A Test Plan contains all test cases and a description of features to be tested during a given period. To create a test plan, simply type its name in the text field "+ Test Plan" and hit enter.

Test Space

A Test Space helps you with sorting Test Cases and Test Plans. A Test Space represents a group to which all selected cases or plans belong to. It allows you to filter cases or plans, for example to do bulk edit or move a big number of test cases into a certain test plan.

You can create, edit or delete a Test Space in its settings. It also shows you the list of all created spaces. Just click on the pencil icon and a edit the TS.

Doc page

A Doc page is an entity in the Docs module that serves as a documentation tool. It can be assigned to a user and marked with tags for simplified navigation. Doc pages are then sorted into topics and Doc spaces for easy navigation among your documents.

To create a new Doc page, you first need to create a Doc Space and a Doc Topic for the page.

Parent / child entities

Most of the entities can be linked together to create a system of tasks and dependencies. This helps you navigate through project activities, track overall progress and make sure that the related project entities are clearly structured.

The parent entities are shown on the right in the side menu of the entity:

The child entities are shown below in the side menu of the entity:

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